Creating a multilingual termbase can be one of the trickiest SEO-related tasks you’ll need to accomplish when you want to go international with your business. Many people struggle when it comes to finding the right words in their target languages. In the end, they’re left with a poorly translated list of useless phrases.
We want to show you that it can be much easier than you might think! In fact, it only takes six steps to come up with a termbase in any language that will ease your way abroad. Want to bet?
Step 1
In your mother tongue, identify your seed keywords — these are the words typically used in your business. You might, for example, have a company producing furniture.
Step 2
Create an assignment for your translator, who should be a native speaker of the target language. Their task will be to come up with as many translation options as possible. How to steer them in the right direction?
The categories to use are:
- Regular translation.
- Negative keywords.
- Regional dialects.
- Word modifications.
- Misspellings.
- Slang and colloquialisms.
This will enable you to cover all aspects of the target language in order to include every possible version of the word.
Step 3
Send this assignment to your translator. Make sure they know you’re looking for as many options as they can possibly create. Again, you’ll get the best results when your translator is a native speaker of the target language.
Step 4
So far so good, right? Once you’ve received your translation options, use Marketing Miner to discover the CPC and Search Volume of your words. The process is rather simple:
You just need to choose the input...
...write down all the translation options you have...
...then choose the right miner...
...almost there...
...that was quick, wasn't it?
Step 5
Now, you have the CPC and Search Volume of all your seed keywords. You might also want to ask your translator for the relevancy of each of these words. How closely does each translation match the original seed keyword?
Step 6
You're almost done! Now, choose one official translation for each of your keywords. The newly-created termbase can be used for your future keyword research when transcreating your website in a new language. What might the result look like?
And that's it. Now it's your turn to create a report and come up with a multilingual termbase of your own. Have you done it already? Share your best practise in the comments!